These days hunting is presented to society as a “tool of environmental management and conservation”, which is economically and publicly supported by some administrations. Hunters claim to be “a part of nature” and argue that they are the only ones who really know what’s going on, therefore the only people able to manage it.
But the reality is very different, hunting has become an industry with enormous profits. It also boasts great privileges and a huge lobby which gives much more importance to its interests and its “hobby” in the hunting grounds than anything else. Society is evolving and this passion for the hunt is becoming more and more misunderstood.
Hunting not only has a huge direct impact on the species being hunted, but it is also the cause of a great many indirect consequences affecting other species and their habitat. Hunting kills more than 25 million animals per year, it causes large imbalances in ecosystems, it is a significant source of pollution, it feeds itself through farms which breed species later to be set free in order to be hunted, it is one of the main causes of overpopulation of animal and dog shelters (each year 50,000 greyhounds are abandoned in Spain), it greatly limits the rights of the rest of society, etc.
Almost thirty people are killed each year in Spain by hunting firearms.
In parallel, it should be noted that in recent years society has experienced a great change, provoking more and more rejection of hunting. It is seen more critically, as a primitive activity which doesn’t fit in to the 21st century.
As William James, a 19th century psychologist said, “Human bloodthirstiness is such a primitive part of us that it is so hard to eradicate, especially when a fight or a hunt is promised as part of the fun”.
In Catalonia