A cookie is a file which is downloaded to the user’s computer/smartphone/tablet when they visit certain websites. It is used to store and recover information about the navigation which takes place on that device, but it does not give us information about the name or any other personal data, it is purely for the purposes of operations, security and statistics. The cookies we use cannot read data from the user’s computer nor the data of other cookies. The browser may be set up so that it warns of incoming cookies. The decision not to accept cookies will not impede access to the information at www.faada.org, www.faadaeduca.org, www.socresponsable.org, www.soyresponsable.org, www.adnimalsfree.org, www.turismo-responsable.com, www.sosdelfines.org, www.adeudelfinari.org, www.millorsamics.org, www.mejoresamigos.org, www.nomontesenelefante.org, www.fishtrap.es and www.documentalempatia.com, from here after jointly named as the Webs.
“FAADA” uses its own cookies to manage the different services it offers the user, and in accordance with its specific purpose we can differentiate:
As Article 29 Working Party stated in its Opinion 4/2012, it has interpreted that there are certain cookies to which the fulfilment of the obligations set out in article 22.2 of the LSSI and among them are those used to allow exclusively communication between the user’s equipment and the web, and those which are used strictly to offer a service expressly requested by the user, being the following:
Session and log in cookies are usually used to trace the user’s activity when they fill in on line forms in several sites, or as a shopping trolley in order to monitor the articles that the user has selected by clicking on a button.
If the cookies, which are absolutely necessary for certain services requested by the user, are not accepted, the user will not be able to correctly consult and/or receive content and services of the Webs.
Here-below we list the cookies used on our Webs.
“FAADA” also uses analytical cookies from the Google Analytics service for the analysis of our website. These cookies are used to collect information on the use of our website by visitors, using the information to facilitate and improve browsing. The deactivation of these cookies will not affect the functionality of the Webs.
Google Analytics is Google’s analytical tool, which helps websites and the owners of applications to understand the way in which their visitors interact with them. It may use a set of cookies to collect information and report on the statistics of use of the websites without personally identifying the visitors from Google. For more information about Google Analytics’ cookies and privacy information go to https://developers.google.com/analytics/resources/concepts/gaConceptsCookies.
Some parts of the website have links to different social networks, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, etc., and you will need to refer to the cookies policy that each one offers before using their services.
You can allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your computer via the setup options of your internet browser. Hereafter there is a list of links to the main browsers where they explain how:
These browsers are subject to constant updates and modifications, which means we cannot guarantee that they fit exactly the current version of your browser. It is also possible that you use a different browser, not listed above, so we recommend consulting the help button of your browser to setup the use of cookies.
If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, related to this Cookie Policy, you should delete the cookies stored in your device using the options and setup of your internet browser.
The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to inform you clearly and precisely of the cookies used at the Webs. If you would like more information on the use of cookies you may request it by email from privacidad@faada.org.
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