With this communication “Fundación para el Asesoramiento y Acción en defensa de los animales” (from here after “FAADA”), informs users of the websites www.faada.org, www.faadaeduca.org, www.socresponsable.org, www.soyresponsable.org, www.adnimalsfree.org, www.turismo-responsable.com, www.sosdelfines.org, www.adeudelfinari.org, www.millorsamics.org, www.mejoresamigos.org, www.nomontesenelefante.org, www.fishtrap.es and www.documentalempatia.com, from here forward referred to as the Websites, in compliance with the (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) and other applicable regulations, of its data protection policy so that they can decide explicitly, freely and voluntarily to share with “FAADA” data which is requested when searching for information or contracting certain products which have been offered regarding carrying out activities directed towards society regarding the infringement of animal rights, the promotion and sharing of education and sensitisation of ethical and respectful treatment of animals.
Unless otherwise stated, it is considered necessary to complete all required data on the form, or the print out, truthfully, exactly, completely and up to date. If this is not so “FAADA” may, depending on the case, refrain from registering the user, or even, deny the specific service being applied for. All data given by the user/data subject will be dealt with in terms of the following details.
Identification of the data controller: “Fundación para el Asesoramiento y Acción en defensa de los animales”, whose address is Rambla Prim, 155, entlo. 1ª, 08020, Barcelona, with the tax code (NIF): G63595599, enrolled on the Registry of Foundations at the Ministry of the Environment, Countryside and Sea with the number 1/2004. Contact email privacidad@faada.org.
All data provided will be treated for the following purposes:
The personal data provided will be stored while the business relationship is maintained as long as the data subject does not ask for its elimination, or until it is needed for the purpose of which it is being kept. There will be no destruction of the data while there is a legal provision which demands its keeping, in which case the data shall be blocked, reserved only for public administration, judges and courts, for the purpose of determining any liabilities arising from processing, for the duration of such liabilities.
Currently no kind of automated decisions are to be made, including profile creation, based on this personal data. If said automated decisions were to be carried out in the future, previous consent will be obtained.
The processing of personal data has been agreed to by you previously and explicitly. We inform you in advance of all the points demanded by law so that you may be fully informed prior to agreement.
You may revoke your agreement at any time, as is detailed later on in this document.
Your data will not be given out unless it is strictly necessary in order to comply with the previously stated purpose or legal obligation
Equally, your data will not be transferred outside the European Union unless it is strictly necessary in order to comply with the previously stated purpose and you explicitly authorise us beforehand.
You may exercise your rights at any time, as laid out below, by writing to “FAADA”, Rambla Prim, 155, entlo. 1ª, 08020, Barcelona; or via email at privacidad@faada.org. The request should include your name, surname and the document accrediting identity of the data subject or their legal representative, as well as a document asserting said representation, a petition which specifies what is being requested, address for notification purposes, date and signature of the petitioner and accrediting documents of the request being made. If the application does not fulfil each and every one of the requirements a request for rectification will be made.
The rights of the data subject are: access, rectification, limitation, portability, opposition and elimination; and it is defined as:
Right of access
The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation from the data controller whether or not their personal data is being treated and, if it is the case, have the right to access their personal data and the following information:
When personal data is transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, the data subject will have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards in accordance with article 46 regarding transfers. The data controller will provide a copy of the personal data which is being transferred. The controller may request a reasonable fee for admin costs for processing the requested copy. When the request is made via email, and unless the data subject has been asked to make the request another way, the information will be provided by email.
Right of rectification
The data subject has the right to rectify any incorrect personal data without undue delay by the data controller. Keeping in mind the purposes of processing, the data subject has the right to complete their incomplete personal data, even via an additional declaration.
Right of removal
The data subject has the right to remove any personal data without undue delay by the data controller, who is under obligation to remove personal data without undue delay in the following circumstances:
When the data controller has made personal data public, and the data subject has requested its deletion, the data controller must, using the available technology and assuming the cost, take the necessary measures to communicate to the third parties that are processing the information that there has been a request to delete said data, as well as any link to the data or any copy or replica of it.
This right shall be limited by other rights, such as the right to freedom of speech and information, by the compliance with a legal obligation, or for reasons of public interest.
Right to the limitation of processing
The data subject has the right to obtain the limitation of processing of their data from the data controller when any of the following conditions are met:
When data processing has been limited under section 1, said data may only be the object of processing, with the exception of its conservation, with the consent of the data subject or in order to make, exercise or defend complaints, or with a view to protecting the rights of another person or legal entity, or for reasons of substantial public interest of the Union or of a specific member state.
All data subjects that have obtained the limitation of processing under section 1 shall be informed by the data controller prior to the lifting of said limitation.
Right of objection
The data subject is entitled to object at any time, on grounds relating to their specific situation, to their personal data being used for processing based on what is laid out in article 6, section 1, letters e) and f), including making profiles on the basis of these provisions.
The data controller shall cease to process personal data, unless they demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing, which prevail over the interests, rights and freedom of the data subject, or in order to make, exercise or defend complaints.
When the purpose of processing personal data is for direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object to the processing of data that concern them at any time, including the creation of profiles in as much as it is related to said marketing.
When the data subject objects to processing with direct marketing purposes, the personal data will cease to be processed for that purpose.
When personal data is processed for the purpose of scientific or historic investigation, or for statistical purposes complying to article 89, section 1, the data subject has the right, for reasons regarding their specific situation, to object to the processing of their personal data, except when it is necessary to comply with a task carried out for reasons of public interest.
Right to data portability
The data subject has the right to receive any personal data concerning them, which has been provided to a data controller, which has a structured format, which is in common use and is machine-readable, and may transmit them to another data controller without being impeded by the controller to whom it had been given, as long as:
By exercising their right to portability of data in accordance with section 1, the data subject has the right for the data to be transmitted directly from controller to controller whenever this is technically possible
Exercising the right mentioned in section 1 of this article shall not prejudice article 17. No such right will be applied to the processing necessary in order to carry out a task of public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred to the data controller.
The data controller shall inform of any rectification or deletion of personal data or the limitation of its processing performed under article 16, article 17, section 1, and article 18 to each of the recipients who have been sent the personal data, unless it is impossible or demands unreasonable effort. The controller will inform the data subject about said recipients if requested.
Withdrawal of consent: The data subject, who had previously given their consent to process their personal data, may equally withdraw it just as easily. The withdrawal of consent will not result in illegality of the previous processing.
The data subject shall have the right to make a complaint to the competent Control authority.
When personal data is to be later processed for a different purpose, the controller shall inform the data subject of such activity.
Security measures: The Data Controller declares that he/she has undertaken the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the safety of the data and prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, taking into account the level of technology available, the nature of stored data and risks to which it is exposed, coming either from human action or the physical or natural environment.
The websites contain links to other web pages, which may be of interest to the data subject. “FAADA” assumes no responsibility regarding these links, and cannot guarantee the compliance of adequate privacy policy, therefore the data subject accesses the content of those websites under the conditions of use which are established therein and exclusively under their own responsibility.
If you have any doubts, queries or recommendations regarding our Privacy Policy you may contact us via email at the following address: privacidad@faada.org
All rights reserved