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Education sphere

Our activity in the education sector

Our goal is to work towards a new paradigm which covers the current educational needs and also deals with the transversal nature of the defence of animal rights, care of the environment and the protection of animals.

In FAADA we work to meet the demands of the socio-educational needs of the moment through a training programme in Humanitarian Education.

Our activities

In Catalonia we offer training courses in Humanitarian Education to educators, teachers and instructors providing them with tools to encourage social skills such as empathy, compassion and respect among students. We know that this is an efficient method to benefit animals and minimise discrimination, rejection, bullying and sexism.

In Spain we are working on revising the school syllabus to include the subjects empathy and respect for animals. We are also working on the existing educational legislation in Catalonia as well as the LOMCE (Law for Education improvement).

Learn about all our activities in schools.